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Immunization Awareness Month

  • 1.  Immunization Awareness Month

    Posted 08-11-2023 08:00 AM

    Please see the resources below if they are of interest-- the first link (I've highlighted it in purple) has some communication materials you can borrow at the bottom of the page (Shareable CMS Resources..."), and I'm sure there are others if you follow any particular rabbit hole of hyperlinks starting with the others as well!

    Immunization Awareness Month, held in August, is the perfect time to highlight the importance of routine vaccination. As schools prepare to reopen and the flu season approaches, it is vital to remind everyone that receiving all recommended vaccines is the best defense against severe illness. People from racial and ethnic minority groups are disproportionately affected [] when it comes to receiving recommended vaccines. Many factors can contribute to lower vaccination rates, including concerns about vaccine safety and limited access to care and health coverage. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic caused disruptions in routine immunizations for children and adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) []. Although routine vaccination rates are increasing, they remain uneven and have not yet recovered among all groups. Many children and adults who delayed vaccination during the pandemic are still behind schedule.   Take advantage of this time to inform your community about the benefits of vaccination and encourage them to prioritize their health by getting vaccinated. Visit the CDC's Vaccines and Immunization website [] for more information, resources, immunization schedules, and more.

    Equity in Adult Vaccination

    Anna Bradley, MS, CHES
    PHSD Office of Epidemiology and Scientific Support
    (406) 444-5968