Attached is the monthly list of trainings, and the updated public health training resources.
Keep reading for the rest of the monthly training update.
We had a couple of spots open in our ToP Facilitations Methods Training, so please register yourself, or share with any of your staff that you think would benefit from it. The flyer is attached for more information. Click here to register for ToP Facilitation Training on June 3 & 4, 2024 or June 5 & 6, 2024. Registration is covered, and the System Improvement Office has funds available for lodging for those who have to travel to Helena.
Trainings worth checking out:
Improving communications:
- Creating Accessible Public Health Communications | May 21 | 1pm – 2pm - With 27% of adults in the United States having some type of disability (CDC), creating accessible and inclusive digital communications is critical for building public health trust and promoting health equity. This free webinar introduces PHCC's new comprehensive guide on crafting and evaluating accessible social media strategies using practical tools, tips, and examples for enhancing accessibility in public health communications.
- Exploring an Evidence-based Toolkit and Tailoring Messages to Specific Audiences | May 30 | 10am – 11am - This free webinar will focus on translating the research evidence into practices for reaching the public and building patient interest in palliative care. The webinar will also explore ways in which outreach approaches can be tailored to different audiences.
Time for a change, or maybe some strategic planning?
- Leading Change | May 29 | 10am – 12pm - Learn how to motivate the elephant! This free webinar focuses on the principles and practices of change leadership within public health and health care organizations. It explores the importance of psychological safety and team leadership skills in relationship to team leadership strategies. Continuing Education credits are available.
- Reach for the Stars (Webinar Series): Strategic Planning | May 30 | 12pm – 1pm - This free webinar is all about helping you plan and execute your advocacy mission! We will provide a strategic planning framework that will take into account capacity, equity, and effectiveness. Part 2 is July 23.
Walk it out:
- Walking for Mental Health | May 30 | 12pm – 1pm - Walking provides the best of both worlds. It offers the physical benefits of exercise while also boosting your emotional well-being. In fact, walking regularly can help ease symptoms related to chronic mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. This is a free webinar hosted by the System Improvement Office in the Public Health and Safety Division.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together:
- Team Building Webinar Series | June 3, 10, 17 | 12pm – 1pm - Do you know what it takes to form a successful team? Team leaders and team members, as well as individuals interested in building a new team, will benefit from this free three-part series. This is session 1 and covers Team Development and Leader Actions. Session 2 will cover the Dysfunctions of a Team on June 10. Session 3 will be over Effective Team Decision-making on June 17. Continuing Education credits are available.
Are you in Billings, Miles City, or Havre or the surrounding areas?!
- Wellness Retreat in person from 9am – 4pm in Billings May 16| Miles City May 21 | Havre May 23 - Experience a day of transformative wellness with our comprehensive training provided by the MPHTC Wellness Program. Led by expert instructors, our program is designed to enhance emotional intelligence, communication skills, and overall well-being.
- Community Partnerships in person from 9am – 4pm in Miles City May 20 | Havre May 22 - Join this highly interactive workshop to explore collective impact, a framework for understanding and practicing community partnerships and collaboration. Collective Impact is used throughout the world as a way to develop the capacity of people and organizations to work together. This session will present the core components of collective impact and allow participants an opportunity to explore several tools to help connect theory to practice in local community partnerships.
Kaela Schommer
Instructional Coordinator
Public Health and Safety Division